March 08, 2005

Dear friends-

Well part of the weekends was a church conference, we have missed the last few; but let me just say it was good to see everyone again. We saw friends that we had just have not see (or spent time with) for months and months.

It was great seeing everyone, especially Walter and Carrie. This was the first time since she was healed from Cancer. She looks great and really fun talking to them and getting in some much needed hugs.

And of course we saw Carolyn, Stacie and Erin. Very special people in our lives. It is really nice when you see someone that really means something to you and even though you have not seen each other in months, you just seem to pickup where you left off...

There is a bond that goes deeper that casual conversation. I really love these guys. I have for many years tried to explain the bond of this friendship, I can't, so let me just say... Thank you Lord for giving us to each other.

What a special joy. Hugs and kisses all around.


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